Your Message Reaches A Targeted Audience

Florida Health Care News  is designed to meet the needs expressed by health care providers to convey their marketing message without appearing “commercial.” Each issue is custom tailored and contains advertorial material about health providers and treatments. 

The distribution area of each edition is based on proximity to a major hospital. 

Approximately 20,000 households in each delivery area receive Florida Health Care News via solo direct mail each quarter. 


Florida Health Care News is used by more doctors, hospitals, dentists, and other health care providers for professional marketing services than any other health care marketing publication in the state of Florida.


Florida Health Care News brings better results than any other health care marketing publication in the state of Florida.​.

Direct Mail

Direct mail marketing brings better results than “throw on the lawn,” “hang on the door,” or rack distributed marketing pieces.​


Florida Health Care News is the largest family of direct mail, health care information publications in the state of Florida, they contain interesting, attractive, and informative health care related articles.​


Florida Health Care News reaches more offices of health care providers than any other health care information publication in the state of Florida.​

Your Message

Your marketing message is presented in an educational, informational format.


Each edition is published 4 times a year: winter, spring, summer and fall.


Medical and health care related articles are read by consumers more than any other category of articles.​

Read More

Florida Health Care News is read by more health care providers than any other health care information publication in the state of Florida.​


Florida Health Care News reaches more homes than any other health care information publication in the state of Florida.​