We Reach More Homes

via solo direct mail
than any other health care information
publication in the state of Florida.

We Are Used By More Providers

including doctors, hospitals, dentists, for professional marketing services than any other health care marketing publication in the state of Florida.

We Use Solo Direct Mail Marketing

to delivers better results than “throw on the lawn”, “hang on the door”, or rack distributed marketing pieces.

We Reach More Offices

of more potential referral sources than any other publication in the state of Florida.

We Bring Better Results

than any other health care marketing publication in the state of Florida.

We Fill Our Articles

with the type of medical and health care related articles that are read by consumers more than any other category.​

We are Read By More Providers

than any other health care information publication in the state of Florida.

We Educate and Inform

prospective patients through articles that spark greater response and a more positive image than display ads.

We Are The Largest

family of healthcare information publications in the state of Florida. Each issue contains interesting, attractive, and informative health care articles.